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National Child Protection Systems in the East Asia and Pacific Region: A review and analysis of mappings and assessments

A review of mappings and assessments of the child protection system in 14 countries. The principal purpose of the study was to consolidate existing information on the shared strengths, challenges and priorities for developing and strengthening child protection systems in the region that will better...

Estimating the Economic Burden of Violence against Children in East Asia and the Pacific

This research shows that violence against children also has an impact on health and human capital, and an economic cost. This is first ever costing of child maltreatment in the Asia-Pacific region.

Better Care, Better Volunteering

With growing interest in volunteer-tourism around the world, there is an increasing trend of volunteering within residential care centres such as orphanages and children’s homes. There is a critical need to raise awareness of the risks of harm involved in these volunteering practices, through...

Expanding World Vision's Impact Through Community Health Workers

In 2015, a global census of community health workers (CHWs) was conducted by World Vision International to assist in developing CHW technical capacity statements, grant proposals, and fundraising and marketing resources, as well as to assist in internal monitoring and reporting on our global...

Communities Deliver: The critical role of communities in reaching global targets to end the AIDS epidemic

The report includes community-based service delivery for orphans and other children made vulnerable due to AIDS and health service provision. Ending the epidemic requires services that reach all vulnerable populations and a strong health workforce.

National Child Protection Systems in the East Asia and Pacific Region

There appears to be growing awareness of and demand for a child protection system that works in harmony with the cultural and social contexts in which they operate. Increasingly, there is an understanding of the role that culture has in determining how and why a system functions as it does and...

On the Fast-Track to End AIDS by 2030: Focus on location and population

The 2015 World AIDS Day report, Focus on location and population, includes 50+ examples of how countries are getting on the Fast-Track. It shows how governments are working with community groups and international partners to scale up health and social services to reach more people.

Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development: Voice of the Social Work Educators from Asia

This article reviews the challenges of social work education and practice in the Asian and Pacific regions and suggests possible steps to realize the goals of the global agenda in the context of those countries.

The Impact of Social Services Interventions in Developing Countries: A Review of the Evidence of Impact on Clinical Outcomes in People Living with HIV

Social service interventions have been implemented in many countries to help people living with HIV (PLHIV) and household members cope with economic burden as a result of reduced earning or increased spending on health care. However, the evidence for specific interventions—economic strengthening...

Building Happy Families: Impact evaluation of a parenting and family skills intervention for migrant and displaced Burmese families in Thailand

This report presents findings from a randomized controlled trial of a parenting and family skills intervention for Burmese migrant and displaced families living on the Thai–Burmese border.  The evaluation was carried out by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in collaboration with researchers...
