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South Africa

Isibindi's Family Strengthening Approach

Following a 2016 qualitiative study in three cities on the family strengthening approach of the Isibindi program, this brief was created to provide an overview of the program and its results.

Getting to Zero: Global Social Work Responds to HIV

This resource is a massive compilation of stories on social work's response to HIV. It provides hope on successful and innovative approaches and shares lessons learned.

Transitioning to Family Care for Children Tool Kit

This toolkit includes several components for developing a child-centered case management plan.

From Evidence to Action: The story of cash transfers and impact evaluation in Sub-Saharan Africa

Country case studies highlight the importance of building the capacity of the social service workforce to deliver and scale up effective social protection programs.

A Foot in the Door: A report on the Child Community Care Study evaluating the effect of CBO support on child wellbeing in HIV-affected communities

Research is starting to emerge that highlights the benefits of intervention of programs to address the psychosocial well-being of children affected by HIV and AIDS involvement. The report reviews the impact of the workforce, differentiating between paid staff and volunteers.

Improving Child Wellbeing and Care in Sub-Saharan Africa: The role of social protection

Adequate transfer size, availability of child care services, greater use of sensitisation opportunities, and appropriate roles and responsibilities for social workers and other programme staff are crucial for improving positive impacts and reducing potential negative side effects.

Making the Children of Key Populations a Priority for Equitable Development

This paper makes recommendations for how to better meet the needs of children of key populations affected by both HIV/AIDS and stigma due to association with their parents.

Key Findings and Recommendations: Isibindi mid-term review

This report is a compilation of data of the impact half-way through the five-year Isibindi program, and it makes recommendations for meeting or surpassing targets by the end of the program in 2018.

Promoting Social and Economic Equality: Social workers’ contribution to social justice and social development in South Africa and Uganda

This article presents case studies from South Africa, where social work is regulated by law, and Uganda, where social work is not professionally regulated, that show that developmental social work includes social, economic and environmental development activities and that social work can become a...

The Cost and Economic Impact of Violence Against Children

The consequences of physical, psychological and sexual violence against children can be as high as $7 trillion. While it is clear that ‘prevention pays’, levels of spending on preventive and responsive actions in relation to violence against children remain very low and are frequently not even...
