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Combining Training with Job Security to Improve the Quality of the Childcare Workforce

This country brief from the Philippines analyzes nationally supported training efforts to improve the knowledge and skills of personnel, as well as local efforts to address working conditions and job security.

State of the Social Service Workforce Report 2018: Trends and Recommendations for Strengthening the Social Service Workforce

This 4th annual report consolidates trends and data from 32 countries to make recommendations for better planning, development and support to this frontline workforce.

What Works to End Violence Against Children? Seven things we have learned

Systems strengthening including through strengthened work of community child protection groups and stronger child protection systems are among successful strategies for ending violence against children.

State of the Social Service Workforce Report 2017: Stories of Workforce Efforts to Address Violence Against Children

In this third annual report, the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance highlights the many ways that the social service workforce positively impacts the lives of children and families affected by violence.

Shock-Responsive Social Protection Systems Research

This synthesis report highlights the key ways in which social protection systems may contribute to mitigate the effect of, or respond to, large-scale shocks.

Guidelines on Children's Reintegration

The Guidelines provide practical guidance for effective reintegration that can help organizations to design high quality programs; measure impact; train practitioners; and pursue national level systemic change in support of reintegration.

Social Protection for Informal Workers in Asia

Case studies from several countries in Asia provide examples of designing and delivering social protection programs for informal sector workers.

What Are We Learning About Protecting Children in the Community? An inter-agency review of evidence on community-based child protection mechanisms executive summary

National child protection systems include more formal, governmental mechanisms and also less formal, civil society mechanisms, such as traditional justice systems. Although this approach is widely used and supported by international agencies, there is at present a lack of robust evidence about the...

Disability Inclusion: Translating policy into practice in humanitarian action

This resource highlights key protection concerns for persons with disabilities and how to increase technical capacity and skills for better inclusion in humanitarian settings.

Alternative Child Care and Deinstitutionalisation in Asia: Findings of a desk review

This report includes findings from a desk review of 140 reports that aims to show efforts being made toward childcare reform and deinstitutionalisation in the continent. It includes information on the social service workforce's capacity and training toward these efforts.
