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Creating Synergies Between Social Protection and Care Reform in Eastern and Southern Africa

Social protection is increasingly being used in Eastern and Southern Africa to address economic and social vulnerability.Many governments in the region are also engaged in care reform to prevent family separation, support families to care for children well and provide quality alternative care.There...

Strengthening the Child Protection System to End Violence Against Children In Eastern and Southern Africa

This paper aims to promote child protection system strengthening to reduce violence against children in Eastern and Southern Africa. It explores the concept of child protection system strengthening and provides concrete examples from the region of system strengthening in practice. It is aimed at...

Participant Handbook Companion: Practical Life Skills - A workshop for care leavers and those who have recently left care aged 18 to 25 years

This participants handbook has come into being by care leavers for care leavers. It has been developed based on the myriad of challenges shared and experienced by care leavers, hoping with the hope that it will support others leaving care. This handbook contains materials you can use during and...

Participant Handbook Companion: Practical Life Skills - A workshop for care leavers and those who have recently left care aged 10 to 13 years

This participants handbook has come into being by care leavers for care leavers. It has been developed based on the myriad of challenges shared and experienced by care leavers, hoping with the hope that it will support others leaving care. This handbook contains materials you can use during and...

Facilitator's Guide: Practical Life Skills - Workshops for care leavers and those who have recently left care aged 18 to 25 years old

Youth who grew up in care can face challenges that are often different from the challenges faced by other young people. They often leave care without any definite or tangible support from the government, little-to-no support from the residential care facility (called "charitable children's...

Facilitator's Guide: Practical Life Skills - Workshops for care leavers and those remaining in care aged 14 to 17 years old

This Facilitator's Guide is based on the 10 to 13 guidebook and 18 to 25 guidebook.

Facilitator Guide: Practical Life Skills - Workshops for care leavers and those remaining in care aged 10 to 13 years old

Youth who grew up in care can face challenges that are often different from the challenges faced by other young people. They often leave care without any definite or tangible support from the government, little-to-no support from the residential care facility (called "charitable children's...

Protection, Provision, Participation and Prevention: Upholding the 4P’s of Children’s Rights during COVID-19

The fifth in the series of COVID Learning Reports from The International COVID 4P Log Project, this report presents the key findings concerning best practices and innovations; challenges; and lessons learned and recommended actions for supporting children’s wellbeing during and post-COVID-19 ...

Caseworker's Handbook: Case Management for Reintegration of Children into Family- or Community-Based Care

This Handbook is a summarized, simplified version of the Case Worker’s Guidebook for Case 

Kenya’s Over-Reliance on Institutionalization as a Child Care and Child Protection Model: A Root-Cause Approach

Institutionalization of children who are deprived of parental care is a thriving phenomenon in the global South, and has generated considerable concern both nationally and internationally, in the last two decades. In Kenya, the number of children growing up in live-in care institutions has been...
