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Case Management in Child and Family Support Center (PDAK)

This resource book aims to introduce the PDAK Child and Family Support Center as a childcare paradigm shift from institutionalization toward family-based and alternative care. It focuses on the strengthen of professional social workers in providing social services with the best interests of...

Supervision Guideline

Developed and tested through workshops by Save the Children, this tool is for social workers who work with children and families through family support centers. It provides a definition, standards and quality of practice related to supervision.

Workforce Resource

This resource is a one-page summary of a 10-year study examining the personal and organizational factors that affect retention of child welfare caseworkers. It also offers solutions for a more stable workforce.

Singing to the Lions: A facilitator's guide to overcoming fear and violence in our lives

This guide aims to help facilitators to work with children and youth through a six-course module to develop the skills and resilience to respond effectively to fear and violence in their lives.

Be the Change: 10 standards for care leavers

In August 2016, the project of International Youth Exchange "Be the Change" gathered 53 young adult care leavers ages 18-25 from 15 countries to develop standards for care leavers. This document is the original product of their work to establish 10 standards for care.

Changing Mind-sets and Pioneering Family Social Work in Tajikistan: An evaluation of a pilot fostering project for wider family support services

This report of a pilot fostering project includes an overview of the process for working with staff and practitioners for improving the quality of care in the homes and supporting families to develop alternative care options including family support, fostering and respite care.

Learning, Negotiating and Surviving in Child Welfare: Social capitalization among recently hired workers

Findings highlight that, although nearly all child welfare workers interviewed recognized the importance of instrumental and expressive support, many workers did not capitalize on support. Policy can promote supportive atmospheres through providing child welfare agencies with the ability and time...

From the Ground Up: Developing a national case management system for highly vulnerable children-an experience in Zimbabwe

The Bantwana community-based case management model was designed by the Children First program (2008-2012). The project grew into an important national partnership between the World Education Inc./Bantwana, government ministries, funders and local implementing partners and further developed into the...

Building a User-Friendly and Government-Owned Case Management System for Highly Vulnerable Children: The Yekokeb Berhan Program Experience in Ethiopia

The Yekokeb Berhan project has been operating in Ethiopia since 2011 to reduce vulnerability among children and families affected by HIV and AIDS by strengthening supportive systems and structures to deliver essential services and increase resiliency.  This case study describes the coordinated care...

Summary of Key Findings from the 4Children Case Management Case Studies

4Children has prepared a series of case studies documenting the core components of the case management process within orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) programming and national child protection systems, in three different countries. These case studies aim to provide examples of how case...
