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Alternative care

Caseworker’s Guidebook: Case Management for Reintegration of Children into Family or Community Based Care

This Guidebook is intended to help in determining the course of action, streamline the process, and standardize the way state and non-state service providers promote family- and community-based care and protection for children outside of parental care.

Kenya National Care System Assessment

The government of Kenya is committed to moving away from institutional care towards family and community-based care. To support the oversight and implementation of the contents of the Children’s Act, Kenya has established the National Council for Children’s Services (NCCS) as the policy-making,...

Building Bridges for Every Child: Reception, Care and Services to Support Unaccompanied Children in the United States

This report offers recommendations for strengthening child-sensitive reception, care and services for unaccompanied children in the United States. Drawing on UNICEF’s global experience, international guidance, and the insights of key stakeholders, the report intends to offer a constructive,...

Public Expenditure and Children's Care - Guidance note

This guidance is designed to strengthen the capacity of government agencies in low resource settings to prepare a sound budgetary framework for policies, programs and services that aim to keep children in safe and nurturing family environments.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Children's Access to Justice

Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic – along with previous infectious disease outbreaks – suggests that existing child protection violations are exacerbated, and new risks emerge, in times of crisis. In addition to the adverse impacts of detention and incarceration on their well-being, children risk...

Release and Reintegration of Children Deprived of Liberty in the State of Palestine in Response to COVID-19

This report shares shares examples of good practice in pivoting existing coordination mechanisms and services in Palestine. In 2016, important changes were initiated in the criminal justice system for children with the adoption of the Juvenile Protection Law in the State of Palestine.

Making Best Use of the Technical Note: COVID-19 and Children Deprived of their Liberty

In response to increasing concerns about the protection issues facing children in detention during the COVID-19 crisis, an Inter-Agency ‘Technical Note: COVID-19 and Children Deprived of their Liberty’ was published in April 2020. It contains recommendations for governments and other detaining...

Family Support Services in the Context of Child Care Reform: Perspectives of Ghanaian Social Workers

In Ghana, different factors such as poverty, HIV/AIDS, parental and child disability, often lead to children becoming separated from their parents. As part of the current childcare reform, the system is focusing on preventing the institutionalization of children through family support services. ...

The Poverty of Policy: Examining Care Leaving Policy in Ethiopia

International research consistently shows that young care leavers’ journey from care to emerging adulthood is characterised by adversities such as unemployment, poor academic performance, homelessness, involvement in criminal activities, mental illness and early parenthood.

Access to Justice for Children in the Era of COVID-19: Notes from the Field

Access to justice is both a fundamental human right and an essential prerequisite for the protection and promotion of all human rights. Children’s access to justice is therefore central to UNICEF’s mandate to advocate for the protection of children’s rights. This rapid analysis documents how UNICEF...
